Children’s Research Tools

Search Engines

Partnered with Google, this search engine is kid friendly and easy to use. This site tiers results by suitability for children and readability. Results have big thumbnails and large font to make scanning the list easier.

Another Google partnered site that is set with strict search results limiter to filter unwanted content.

Databases and Research Websites

Youth friendly dictionary with the ability to select grade level to increase complexity in definitions. Results are simple, easy to read, and include audio pronunciation.


For elementary student this database contains full text for more than 70 popular elementary magazines, including history, social studies and science.


For middle school students this database contains full text for more than 140 popular middle school magazines, 84,774 biographies, 105,786 primary source documents.


For high school students this database contains full text for nearly 500 high school magazines, 360 full text reference books, 85,670 biographies, 107,000 primary source documents and image collection of over 510,000 items.


Lots of articles about history, science, space and geography in an entertaining format.


Free images and videos for projects, use the Lab’s tools for homework research, or explore your own interests in history, art, science, or culture.


Informational content and reference documents, dictionary, thesaurus, atlas pages, quizzes, and historical timelines.